Saturday 14 August 2021

Somewhere II

 ... my love waits for me " lyrics from the Tymes

somewhere beyond the sky and sea "

Indeed, the air began to change last night or early evening. The wind had a bit of crispness - way less humid.

From the CBC : CV 19 mandates are coming, our planet is in trouble and big business and marketers aren't helping < oh ! imagine ? >

For good news -> go touch some grass < the green stuff on your lawn >, hug a tree

Reality. I often forget how lucky that I am.

 From 1963 to 1977, the family owned a cottage on L Chemung. " on " is an euphemism, for access to the lake. A cut or channel ran from in front of our property to the lake. It took 6 minutes at troll speed to reach the south end of L Chemung.
We ran  a 14 ft aluminum and 9.9 HP Merc. We ' owned the lake ' in our minds '. My dad saw that our cousins sold their cottage < same road, same cut > for an absurd price. ' we can do better than that '
AND he did. But I lost ' our lake'.  

We knocked around for two years or so. Using an Uncle's cottage and renting in S. Ont.
In 1980, I bought a house. So, what do you do ? You go looking for a cottage. 

I chose Wasaga Beach and the Nottawasaga R < walleye and trout >. High on a bluff, w/ a ' one a day ' hill to climb, we accessed ' Ontario s rainbow highway < steelhead trout >.

We were veteran fishers. We missed opening weekend. However, the first weekend that we could - dada !. Brother goes out and catches 6 trout and I got one. Following week, disaster!
Skunked all day Saturday. Brother sleeps in, on Sunday. I went early. By the time brother walks down, I'm releasing # 5 rainbow. 
Yes. the boys were back ! This was April < last 2 weekends >

Reality. We went fishless all of May and first week of June. We watched a friend w/ buddies head upriver. We took our boat and followed. They stopped, we stopped and fished. Finally, their boat headed home. We slipped up to where they had been fishing and....

each got a steelhead. W/ great humility, we motored home. Thus, for 15 years, the cottage was a getaway. But in 1996, my brother passed away form heart complications.

I kept the cottage. Never the same again. Not sad memeories but wistful, for sure. In 2006 - I gave up and sold the place.

Well, in 2008, late in the year, M and I bought the current cottage / house < it was never a cottage til we bought >. Nirvana, once more.

I used to laugh when I heard or saw ' buy this condo and get a docking spot for your boat ' < in Fla etc >. The most common comment that we got ? ' he bought a place where he can put his boat.

.We don't own the place anymore but the boat is still there.

The story then is - I've owned or used a cottage for 58 yrs. Spoiled ? you bet and often forgetful. I've been able to fish many summers and since 2003 - well, anytime. " Sometimes a fool gets lucky " sort of......

"Some fools get lucky

The first time out, take a chance on love and they win
But some fools like me, they never learn
They keep on playin' the game
And it turns out the same
Oh, when will it ever be lucky me?  "

the real lyrics to  Anne Murray song
A warm ish tolerable day - definitely summertime

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