Sunday 28 May 2023

💯 bottles of beer on the wall

 💯 or perfect

story. I once had an examiner at Boys Scouts who marked freestyle. don't know what to call it.

the category was ' Pathfinder ' for a Queen s Scout badge. I diligently, worked hard esp on the local map.
The district chief called me in and relayed that my score was 155.
' oh, what is that out of ' says a bewildered scout '

Answer: is just a number but the highest in ten years of marking

????????? got the badge and a whole lot a knowledge of the area.

sunny. great.

in controlled scent testing, coconut based body wash attracted the least number of mosquitoes. however. the test was designed to combine the person s regular body smell and the body wash.
overall. its still trial and error.

The Truth. or my ' T ' [ if you've seen ' Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil ]
if it grows and is green - gives me a rash [ esp grasses and marigolds ]
if it bites - I'm ' prime rib ' [ or sushi ????? ]

when I watch ' Jeremiah Johnson ' - I want to be a " mountain man " and here s a guy that uses an electric blanket to sleep in the winter. Can you imagine the insects that feed on you in the mountains and swamps ??????? OMFL

Oh, my colds are the stuff of legends. M... calls them ' man colds ' 

my latest ' love her ' is Katelyn Touhy out of NC state. Now, a sophmore, she holds 4 NCAA titles and the fastest times in 3 race disciplines [ maybe 4 ]

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