Monday 20 May 2024

🛥 All right, the boating news

    🛥 so you think the problem is solved

readers of this blog will be aware that the bass boat [ Stratos 176 w/ E Tec 75 ] has been laid up off and on since Oct 2022.
Yes, the bass boat did run for some months in 2023 but was out of action for at least 2 months in 2023

2024. the aftermath
 Bring Out Another Thousand [ B.O.A. T. ] seemed appropriate for 2023

This year, the first attempt was problematic. The boat owner has been remiss in some areas of maintenance
I am not unique in this area. So far, the biggest bugaboo appears to be electrical. The most irritating issue has been terminal connectors [ where the wires connect to the battery ]

In my innocence [ that s a euphemism for lazy and not aware ], I let a broken ring connector go unrepaired. Lets tell it like it was
the wire ran from the automatic bilge pump. and I figured when the bilge pump stopped then I'd replace the ring connector
NO, that's not how it goes. The broken ring connector somehow meant poor conductivity for all the connectors going to that one battery post.
so, yes, the engine wasn't getting the correct electrical supply

done, two week ago. A - OK

next- a - roonie, the advice was that black gas hoses wear out and cause problems w/ some engines. I asked that these ' black ' hoses be replaced w/ ' gray ' hoses while the boat was laid up 2023 spring.
however, best practice pre - 2023 was turn the ignition and give a moment and the engine purred to action 
unfortunately, or purposefully the ' gray '  priming bulb needs to be manually squeezed to start the appropriate gas flow on initial start up 
we are learning 

Thus, this weekend, we showed that we can learn AND did everything right  !!!

FINALLY.        we shall see said the Zen Master

the day in the ' boro, cloudy but bright and should be 70 ish

and conditions are good to very good. warm and comfortable

kudos to the day. fulfilled all expectations

The Dandelion crop story. jetted out w/ a water wand. dug out by appropriate trowel. today, a second go round of torching [ yes, a propane weed torch ]

of all the methods, torching is the least effective - easiest and satisfying, watching those little buggers burn but alas - 
now, I do burn off the fluff balls [ the seeds ] so that's good but the rest of the plant, not sure

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