Monday 6 May 2024

🏘 home beautiful [ or not ]

  🏘  as the struggle goes on
well, own a home and do the work [ or not ]

to wit. along the street, the common phrase ' its my BACKyard and I'm not pulling dandelions'

a sunny day in the  ' boro but rain is coming this week

sure. water the dandelions for me [ Mother Nature ]

I've got bad attitude. Should have known
All that I need to do is call ' dandelions ' a crop
I'm making a dandelion farm
.... you see, there is dandelion wine
                   toast the roots
                   and medicine [ it prevents  .... well, some nasty thing or                                                     other
See, Useful

we did a smorgasbord of veal Parm, wedgy fries, pasta and salad
all in about $ 40 from the deli counter BUT anything left can be breakfast or frozen for snacks 
and nowadays,  a meal for two [ restaurant is north of that $ 40 ]

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