Monday 27 May 2024

🫒 something like ...

 🫒- ia
or " something like Olivia keeps me thru the night "  ala John Mayer

LIAR LIAR pants on fire
say what ?

well, the bumpers arrived last night. 
the story:  ordered. shipped. delayed til May 30
at eight, I looked in the camera ' bingo Bango ' there was a box

yepper, 4 bumpers inside 
they are blue double ended for tie ups and come w/ a pump
these ' rubber ' [ whatever they make them out of, feels like rubber ]
shiny and ribbed

pouring rain out there and will pour for the day and into the wee hours of Tues
can you float your boat

Slipped out to the Tiger. Basics of potatoes,onions, pretzels and dishwasher tabs

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