Wednesday 29 May 2024

🎛 do you believe ......

 🎛 ....... in magic ? ala the Loving Spoonful [ ? ]

in the ' boro, clear air and gray clouds [ from the window seat ]

discovered or re - discovered that the Magic Noodle [ lunch Noodle' spa ' ] is the fav of the neighbour s son and wife

BTW the icon for today is ' control knobs ' 
? I thought that they were speakers 

' ground control to Captain Tom '

Wow ! can it be .....

apparently, I'm breaking down / breaking precedent and getting a        " data " plan for my cellphone
Our Telcom has been erratic [ interruptions ] 
to wit.
to call the Telcom when service is interrupted, yes, I'll pay $0.35 / minute to complain [ adds up real quick ] w / pay as you go cellphone plan
the new data plan will cost $ 25 per month
currently, my usage means that I need about $ 8 per month 
however, long distance as from the Q' gets more expensive

PLUS in the future. We will drop our landline [ which is out during service interruptions ]
a dinosaur among our friends, for sure

YES. second guessing is my middle name
BUT this plan is monthly and cancel anytime
SO, its a trial run for $ 26 til Jun 28 

this is the slim end of the wedge
b/c Telcom has to go [ bundle plan : TV, internet, phone, home security ]

ht day in the ' boro, glorious tho' cool and breezy bluebird sky etc

Ah, better come clean re: data plan. I'm going to the Q' and for communication w/ home WiFi makes it so much easier and varied to contact home

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