Saturday 25 May 2024

🗺 something about an oyster

 🗺 or such

" This is the story of the inevitable destruction of every man s dream and the spine of the film is that the measure of a man is the grace with which he survives the destruction "

Edward Anhalt 

I found this bit while using YouTube and the topic Jeremiah Johnson
The quote must be about the film by the same name

Actual research depicts Jeremiah as an elemental force. Eating the livers of enemies, hence the sobriquet, ' Liver Eating Johnson '. A disdain for pants or trousers [ or any bottom coverings ]
Ah, such is the backgound for the movie

' boro has rain / thunder and wind really plain ugly
stay home and hibernate [ sooooo ..... business as usual ]

my latest IPA is ' Octopus Must Fight ' OMG ! a real man drinks this one .... and its not me
biiter and soury,  strong and head shaking aftertaste

YouTube sent a video, ' Skinner and ..... ' in essence
pain and pleasure motivate us. to accomplish any activity or idea, you must compare           the ' pain and pleasure ' effect or strength 
AND usually, pain motivates better than pleasure

suggestion then.  promise or highlight a desired action ...

say to someone ' if I don't lose ten pounds in a month then I will pay you $ 10 ' 
turns out the amount of default or penalty actually is irrelevant
we don't want to lose that money
BTW losing $ 10 motivates more than finding / winning the same amount 


I will pay you $ 10 if I don't lose 10 pounds by June 30 [ pinky swear ! ]

I will post the starting weight tomorrow [ Sunday is weigh in day ]

Amazoning strikes again. I am an Amazon whore

I ordered boat bumpers, all-purpose and inflatable
BTW, the last time that I bought a bumper was 2008

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