Monday 5 November 2012

Lies , Part Lies and Elections and Confessions

I'm willing to admit that I could have missed it b/c I do often skim the news and sure don't listen  carefully to the candidates when they're speaking.

Yesterday, on PBS , a panel was addressing the U.S. elections , specifically, I caught the part about what the candidates face when elected.

For both both Romney and Obama, the issue is how to tell the American people that they are down sizing the civil service. The numbers thrown around were 15 % minimum and maybe 25. The panel wasn't sure how much but were positive that it will be done. That's across the board, cuts.
The result is expected to be a down turn in the economy and another ( or same one ) depression.

Do the reporters and questioners ignore this reality. I mean it wasn't as if Romney will down size government as a Republican but Obama will need to do this for the American economy to survive.

Maybe its b/c they'll both have to do it and everybody knows , did you ?

The Republicans are tossing around numbers like 300 electoral college votes for them.

I'm flabbergasted. In Toronto on a radio talk show the Mayor ( Rob Ford ) and his brother, Doug were asked to predict the U.S. election. The Mayor , chose Obama, Doug picked Romney and called his brother , a lefty.
These guys are both so far right its incredible... lefty OMG.

Around the house , here, well the patio furniture went to the lower patio under the deck ( for extra protection ). Our furniture is wood b/c I won't buy plastic or metal.

The hoses came in and I drained the pipes to the outside.
Not everyone does this, I worry the pipes will freeze in the outside walls. To be truthful, i can't give you one example where someone said this freezing has happened but it seems logical, that it could.

It is cold and dreary but we're supposed to get partial clearing and sun. the week end coming should be 60 s.

Here's the confesion part. Saturday, I was mostly watching the Alabama - LSU football game. 'Bama was undefeated and LSU ( 1 loss ) and 1 st place in the division was at stake.
Ala was leading but LSU came on strong and took a lead. W/ 3 minutes left LSU had the ball and the lead. I figured it was over and turned the station , not wanting to see Les Miles gloating and the purple people screaming.
Blew it big time. Ala came back and scored.
Apologies to the Tide from a faint of heart fan.
Mea Culpa , Maxima Mea Culpa.
ROLL TIDE ( even w/out me )

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