Tuesday 1 January 2013

All Over the World

Happy New Year 2013
Its important for me to write the year as often as possible or else cheques and items will go out dated ' out-dated ' so to speak.

Folks on Xmas Island greeted the New Year first, then us here in Toronto and finally on America Samoa. I obviously, left out some places in between and I extend my apologies. Mea Culpa.
I heard this bit of trivia last night via NPR / CBC. the overnight feed.
Now, I immediately imagined Xmas Islanders looking across the water to the people in Amer. Samoa and saying Happy NY b/c except for the artificial nature of the time zones, these people would see the same thing - midnight - give or take a few minutes.

South of the border , before you get to Mexico - Hi guys - the ' fiscal cliff '  
a ) was  avoided  b ) was postponed  c) therefore got  longer   d) got higher.
What a crazy metaphor for looming tax increases and budget cuts
So, I read it this way. The House of Republicans didn't want to look like the bad guys thus they did something. The  Prez , on his watch , can't have the country fall apart in one day, thus he did something.
But according to the correspondent ( NPR ) the decision is put off to maybe March but could be tougher to deal with.
I think the Americans have cornered the market on phrases such as ' live for to-day ' or as the Chinese have always said ' to-morrow will take care of to-morrow '.

Up here where the wind chill not fiscal anything is problematic, the temperature will be 20 F but the wind chill effect could be 8 F. Our wind sock is horizontal and wind looks to be from the north. The sock is on a slightly sheltered edge so direction is dubious.

In Nova Scotia, one our Atlantic provinces, a move is afoot to raise the age of majority to 25. Voting and drinking. I always thought the legal age for marriage should be 47. I mean do all sorts of stupid things for 46 years and then settle down and do it right. 
No, no the standard seems to be get married early, re-marry, maybe figure it out and ruck up a whole bunch of lives in the process. One of the guys at work used to say  ' better to be from a broken home then live in one ' . I hope in years to come, historians won't call the time that I lived in the ' era of the temporary marriage - and its effects '.

Movie review for ' Conan '. I found this in the bargain bin at Canadian Tire or Walmart gone auto for you southerners. W/ out my glasses, I ended up getting a young lad holding a snowboard thingy to read the cast list to make sure that this version was sans the ' governator ' arnie dude.
For $ 10, a pretty good movie. Way better than the version with Arnold S. Nobody is a super-star or pretends to be. Action galore and an interesting story line ( for a sword and skin flick ). The production values were high and most scenes were realistic.

Blow off the bad news ---- 

What the hey, have a good day, y'all. Remember what Jack Burton always says ' dude, the beer is cold and the babes are hot, paradise '

P.S. Who is Jack Burton   ?????????????

JB is Kurt Russel in ' Big Trouble in Little China ' a John Carpenter semi-cultish movie from the 80's (? ). He didn't really say that but its what his whole attitude is.

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