Friday 2 August 2013

A Morning of Kufuffle

Couldn't sleep this morning , thoughts of blackout curtains , coffee and other flotsam and jetsam , percolated through my head ( I'm sure that I broke 50 grammatical rules , in that last sentence ).
Woke up.
Oh, I was thinking that I forgot to put up the green bin.
The green bin is part of the recycle / re-use  system that our city has.
The green bin is compostable waste e.g. wet waste , thin paper etc.

The raccoons come for brekkies from the green bin overnight. Thus , the green bin goes up on the garbage bin at night and someone takes it down pre-garbage truck time. Well , I'm sure that I forgot to put up the green bin. but Lo and behold when I checked at 6:45 AM , the green bin was up. Next door , probably saw that I goofed and did me a favour ( I've done it before , sleep walked to the curb and left the green bin down  - ' Raccoon Attack at Dawn '.)
Usually the next door neighbour brings the green bins down on the way to work , say 8 AM. b/c the trucks are all mechanical lift and sometimes just dump the green bin as they lift the garbage bin.

While doing the coffee , I thought I heard the garbage truck - No , way too early !. It was the garbage truck. And he wasn't emptying garbage cans w/ green bins on top. He drove past. Our garbage was not emptied.
I ran out , transferred garbage from two houses to one garbage bin and took the combined garbage across to the other side       neighbour' s driveway. And felt proud for doing a good job. Took 2 steps up our drive and the garbage truck was back , this time on the other side. Now , you've got to know , typically , our garbage is at the curb for 7 A but somewhere around 4 P the truck comes.
Nooo , not this AM. 
Now , I'm feeling like a super hero.
Wait a tick and bring the garbage can back.  Tada. All in a day's work.
celebrated w/ a muffin and thought ' there's the day's excitement '. It is sort of dull around here.

BTW - as well , the corner guy puts a tie down on his garbage bin , anti-raccoon trick #2. Well , this garbage truck didn't mechanically lift the tied down garbage bin b/c it won't open w/ the tie down on. Ooops , someone gets to keep their garbage for 2 weeks.

Stats for you. I was looking at McDonalds restaurants as a stock purchase and found a Bloomberg video report.
1955 - Des Plains , Ill. - McDs #1 opened and had sales of $366.12 
To-day , 69 million diners a day and 25 million in the U.S. visit McDs
43 million lbs of tomatoes
102 million lbs of lettuce
231 million lbs of cheese at a cost of $ 9 billion per year for cheese
60 million lbs of apples sold per year

the Big 5 - Big Mac , QuartrPndr , French fries , Nuggets and McMuffin are 25 % of all sales. 9 million lbs of FF per day.

1 in 8 service employees in the U.S. have worked at McDs
McDs employs more people than the all the armed forces in the U.S. combined
More people visit McDs in day than any other chain incl Walmart

Avge wait time at McDs , 90 seconds
pizza is no longer served b/c the sales were so slow that McDs couldn't guarantee quality of product.

Globally , McDs offers wedding catering and vegetarian pattie burgers in India.

Now about that stock $ 99 and $ 3 dividend per year.

We'll think on it

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