Tuesday 30 April 2019

Apr 30 in T.O.

not very creative as a title
but true

A dull day w/ critters moving all over the yard

I forget if I mentioned that our new remote from the Telco is a ' voice command ' device.
Thats right. Name the station or the program or a slogan or line from the show or movie - and the system finds the show.

A retrospective look at technology in our house.
Prior to Apr this year, our TV was satellite and our internet and phone was delivered via telephone line w/ enormous limitations.

Right now I'm typing on a PC given to me by A ostensibly to make it easier for me to show movies. The receipt of the PC was late October 2018. The equipment sat in a corner of the workroom and every once in a while I'd see it and go ' oh yeah ' that.

Now, of course, the whole house is Wi Fi for computers and television. And to my amazement when I tried the donated PC for use w/ a photo scanner, so was the PC.
thus, in the basement I save and edit photos for the family archives or vaults ( do people still have vaults - well, maybe the cloud ) but also have a third computer for flexibility.

So, I'm not smart just able to take advantage of possibilities that perhaps other people threw in my way. Although, I did pay a small fortune for the photo scanner in 2008. And now find other people find it useful.

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