Sunday 22 April 2012

Sunday, oh no-sun day

Well, def, no sun but it has rained off and on for twenty hours. I didn't need to water in the corn gluten. In lawn news, a young-ish man came to the door canvassing for core aeration.
So for $80 ( front and back ) he did the aeration.
We gave up our lawn care guy this year. Ont has a ban on all lawn drugs for pests and weeds. figured the lawn guy was basically using corn gluten and keeping the grass thick.  Of course, thick grass means that I mow like crazy all spring.

 Solution, get rid of lawn care and hire the neighbour kids to do the lawn. I pay them less than a lawn service but bribe them w/ bacon, In Ptrboro, Franz's Meats sells its own smoked bacon ( blue ribbon, no less ) not cheap but real meat. Thick cut and delish.

In the Star, an Insight article focussed on medical care for a cancer patient. The major issues were the lack of comprehensive direction in patient care and the hands off practices of most doctors. The woman felt lost and mis-informed constantly. she now advocates for advocation by one's self to prod the medical system. Overall, she has given up pursuing a cure ( her breast cancer is triple negative, not good ) and is intent on living a directed and energized life w/ friends and her son.

I know with my father, a lot of phone calls resulted in not much help. Well, we could have got help but what a paltry offer I got.

Dad was in a seniors retirement facility associated w/ Community Care Access ( the agnecy for gov't care in the area ). The Momiji had a check up service in the AM and PM. Oh, what a cafuffle that was. It felt so good knowing that I didn't have to visit Dad in the morning and someone checked at night.
Of course, I got calls from Dad pointing out how difficult it was for him to adjust to the scheduled check ins. I would find notes on the door " momiji, i'm  out and OK , sam "

BTW - Dad and I had a tumultuous relationship, we are both tigers by the oriental zodiac. The adage is " never two tigers under the same roof ". It always felt good knowing why dad and I never got along.
Conversely, M says that I am my dad. Oh yeah
be careful with your denials, they come back to bite you.

BTW2 - JHU did lose 8 - 2. There will be much gnashing of teeth in Blue Jayland. I had three gins ( w/ a dab of vermouth, almost martinis ) to celebrate or mourn.

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