Thursday 21 March 2013

gimme a break

Bing Crosby sang it, we live it. A Winter Wonderland. Its March something - its spring .  SPRING - the birds, the buds. OMG, snow is flying all over.

My whines:  1 ) transit hell, is called Toronto. We have the longest or second longest commutes in N.A. Our subway is good if your population is 1.8 million. We got double that.

2) Our mayor has good ideas and is an idiot. I recognize that nuevo-tech politics requires some nuance - Robbie Ford is not in touch w/ nuance.
Paul Reiser starring in 'Diner'  - one of my cult favourites, says " I don't like the word 'nuance' , it doesn't mean anything, what does it mean ?  "
Ford favours subways - as in cars that go underground. The underground route costs Mega. T.O. opted for Light Rail Transit which means the. cars are above ground.

My view - as someone who doesn't go into the city proper is - who cares get me down there fast. Taxi, train , what the ' hey ' get me down there.
To commuters, cost b/c its daily is everything - so subways, it is.

The business consortium suggests toll roads, a surcharge on purchases ( extra tax on  spending ) and property tax increase.

Weatherboy is in denial. He's full dress and showing 32 F but he knows its spring. Ah, the stress.

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