Saturday 9 March 2013


eth net cableX
car key
dvd stream BluRy
stnd alone MP3 <phone
clck radgoes on
cd-rom < flsh drv

Qu'est-ca c'est , you ask.

I added a ' stickies ' program to the computer. The StckProg is not standard on the newer ' Windows ' platforms that I use.

I copied a ' stickie 'from research that stems from an article on the ' Loop ' homepage concerning techno-dinosaurs. Yes, tech that is or will be obsolete.
I thought that you might like a look at the process of setting up the blog. As well, its good that you remember      a ) I don't make this up    b) and this is not very serious

Obsolete, OMG, I still had a reel to reel tape deck when friends had started using discs to store information. I'm now caught up to where 1. I use a DVD not VHS  2. I own some BluRay discs  3. I own a mobile ' hotspot ' for internet, meaning at least I'm partially untethered.

So, lets go over the list above.
The trend nowadays is for internet users to be wireless ( check, sort of ), this process is called untethering.  We still favour the hard wired desk top but do use 2 laptops wirelessly. Unfortunately, a lot of that use is not pure convenience but is motivated by making sure the laptops get used and stay charged

Car keys are being phased out. We had a key-less start in Fla. OK. but took a while to figure out what to do w/ the key. Here, the real luddite showed up - I hung the key on the  shift lever, so when I reached for the key , something was kinda there

Stand alone GPS and MP3. I'm finally, a convertee to GPS , LOVE IT. Mostly, I find the speed display comforting as I drive. Soon, navigation systems will come as part of the electronics package.
MP3 may hang on, but phone users probably have MP3 capability w/ their new phones ( not me or us )

LCD is proving superior to plasma. cost is #1, as LCD s are getting quite cheap. Plasma had the advantage of motion display but that edge is fading. Son of a gun, I'm not sure we even considered plasma when buying either flat screen. Well, maybe as partial what if.

DVD discs for data and movies are on the way out. BluRay is hot but we only have 1 BR player and its first generation. As I travel downstairs I see the shelf of VHS tapes, some still in cellophane.
As for data storage, I do have ' thumb 'drives ( flash drive ) but my main storage and sorting units are CD discs.

Also, internet streaming is popular but we don't stream anything but urine.

Radios are a dying art - form, not. Experts predict that the death knell of the clock radio is still far off. The clock radio in some form still sells

So, on the luddy scale our house is a 6 out of 10, I think. Actually, way better than I would have imagined pre -the Loop article.

Weather, warm by S. Ont standards - sunny and warm looking.

Saturday, a slow day here - is it ever fast - oh yeah, when all hell breaks loose.

I've become, Mother Confessor, for cousins dealing w/ their Mom.
Where should she go etc. Heck, thy're still working on the power of attorney thing, this puts them way behind the curve, in my estimation.

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