Monday 1 July 2013


Its Canada Day , JL 1. Google .ca has the parliament buildings ( Ottawa ) as its GOOGLE centrepiece.

For the southern contingent , things truly Canadian ( and we don't have much , being exposed to the mass media juggernaut south of us.

1. Back bacon or Canadian bacon , when we are in the States.

2. Tim Horton's double / double ( 2 cream /2 sugar ). BTW , TH s are the focal point of every small town. For U.S. types , think of Dunkin Donuts locations on steroids b/c thats how many TH s we have. At QMH , I can be at a Timmie's in 10 minutes. Here at home,  3 minutes to Tim's.

3. The Bloody Caesar , invented in Calgary in the late 60 s. Thats clamato juice and vodka or a Bloody Mary and ' kick it up a notch ' ala Emeril.

4. Poutine ( french fries , cheese curds topped w/ gravy ). I've seen dishes that look like that in the states but it was just sloppy fries.
Oh ,and we say chips for french fried potatoes.

5. And we spell these words like this : centre , honour , cheque etc. Lets put it this way , spell check isn't happy w/ my spellings.

6. Thrill gum is Canadian

7. Butter tarts are hard to find in the states esp. w/ raisins and walnuts

8. And we make better meat pies , up here.

9. When we're  fishing we often call the walleye , a pickerel

10. we have Stephen Harper and America has a leader.

11. Our passports are bi-lingual

12. EH , Canada has 3 ' ehs ', in it's name

13. We have universal health care. I think that that kind of thing affects our whole psyche

OK to be fair. Things that I look forward to when in the States.

1. 7 - 11 s. love that coffee machine and the price

2. Labelling on food containers , much superior to ours

3. Cheaper gas. We paid $ 1.23 / L or approx $ 5.30 / gal, yesterday.

4. CVS etc , b/c typically , we can't come close to matching your prices in stores like that.  However , your prescription drug prices and many OTC s are sky high.

5. Things that we can save money on in the states : bread , milk , eggs ( those can 1/2 our price ) , cars ( now , maybe 25% cheaper )

Weather : Cool but not too sunny , A/C off and windows are flung open. Thats a lie , ours slide up and down or swing out. The skies are cloudy. We will get rain this week , intermittent , but all week.
The Weatherboy monitor has an arrow up and no clouds. I don't think Weatherboy is looking where I'm looking.

Health ,VG but I'm still swallowing those Amox capsules and ibuprofen. Root canal is pain free , hopefully I'm getting infection free too !

I discovered that 95 people have looked at my profile. Mainly ,they ' googled ' the word  ' universe , etc '. And I still have 1 registered reader. Guess , I won't be eligible for sponsor money , any time soon.

Happy Can. Day

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