Tuesday 22 July 2014

There'll Be a Hot Time......

.... in the old town tonight , finishes the song line
However, the hot part applies to T.O.
We may set a record to - day , for high temperature of 2014.
Already , the temperature is 77 F on the back deck in the shade

Via the buds : I fell asleep w/ the buds broadcasting CBC and PRI
What was on ???
Lego comes ashore. A cargo box fell off a ship , many years ago.On the Devon coast of England , beach combers , who try to clean up the beach , have found / are finding Lego.
There is much ' Lego envy '. Collectors cherish rare Lego pieces.
Flippers ,spear guns , octopi and dragons wash ashore. Everybody wants dragons. the lady interviewed had 3 dragons..... 3.

David and Goliath:  David cheated. Goliath came out in good faith to smash his opponent to smithereens and David goes and nails him w/ a stone. Thats the new take on the battle in the Valley of Ehlah.
A guy has written a book on well known stories.
We are to feel some sympathy for Goliath. The big G , most likely had ' giantism ' resulting from a tumour on his pituitary gland. The big G , most likely was near sighted and probably couldn't even see David.
David broke the normal procedures in a duel , of the time.
COAC , I always thought the stone thing was a neat move.

' the Valley of Ehlah ' is a movie , starring Tommy Lee Jones. An ex - Sargeant ,loses a son in the U.S. The son is enlisted and home on leave. The son is first reported missing and then found chopped and burned.
The sargeant goes to the base and w/ the help of an under - appreciated detective ( Charlize Theron ) discovers the truth.
Unfortunately , Sarge also finds out what fighting in Iraq  ( ???? , I think ) was like for his son and U.S. troops , in general.
Along the way , he befriends the detective's son and tries to encourage the boy with the story of the Valley of Ehlah , David v the big G.
The movie ' in the Valley of Ehlah ' is grim. The characters are well done. The cast is partially , enlisted men or ex - military , so the interviews in the promo segments are interesting.

Stay cool , stay real

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