Saturday 20 December 2014

On Learning

This morning , there was a special on the story of the ' Titanic '.
Her sister ship was the ' Olympic ' , an accident prone ship  that whacked around other boats all over England.
Basically , the big T never slowed down even in reported ice fields , her wireless operator was fixed on sending passenger messages as priority items and big T was under supplied w/ lifeboats
No English person was charged or blamed in the inquiry which followed. The master of the ' California ' took the blame , as the closest ship and failing to respond.
Later , 20 years ago , salvage evidence showed the big T wasn't at her reported position.
The board of inquiry was staffed w/ the same people that certified her sea worthiness and preparedness. Any blame attributed to to the White Star Line or Titanic owners would rebound onto the entity that allowed Titanic to sail.
The Titanic story produced fame , as in the ' Unsinkable Molly Brown ' , a passenger
In reality , the White Star Co , never used the phrase , unsinkable , a reporter wrote , she is almost unsinkable.
More first class men escaped than children, B/c the yell , ' women and children first ' was a legacy of the Titanic legend
The biggest ship afloat , nope , as big as her sister Olympic.

Weather : marvy winter day , excuse me , late fall day , the shortest day of the year , is to - morrow. Bright sun and crisp air , that means you'll freeze your patoochies off ,  out there

Well ,she gets very little mention , my Mom is hanging in there.
Of course , our memories , are us. She is lost , pleasant and talkative but adrift. Does she have Alzheimers , I guess , but the spectrum of disablility is staggering on her floor , secure and for persons w/ intellectual diminished capacity. A nice lady.

Last night at cards , a rarity , these days , I mean playing , I gave ample evidence , on why , I should not gamble. I'm terrible at it
I spent the evening dodging disaster or running head long into trouble. Over three hours , I lost , probably , 70 something dollars.
Retribution came , when in the mad scramble which is called ' last game ' , yes , its like ' the last cast in fishing ' , goes on and on and on. The real difference is , about twice as much money is up for grabs. I won back the loss and came out up $ 5. Wow !
So what , 4 hours and a 5 dollar profit. But a swing of $ 150 , to the good
What did I hear , during that last 1/2 hr    " You stayed with that ?"
Meaning , I should have known better and folded
didn't and didn't
The philosophy , good one , eh , philosophy , right. Desperation said  ' try ' you sure can't win playing smart or whatever you were  doing. It sure wasn't  , rocket science.
Well , the key was , no one was going hungry if I lost and its fun - social and a relatively tame outlet for .... something

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