Sunday 4 January 2015

Coffee On

M has one cup
I have the pot. I've taken to diluting the coffee by 1 / 3. Why ?
Dunno. My Mom did it , its genetic
See , blame the parents
They both smoked , a lot , not me , ever

During the day , I'll make ice coffee 1/3 C coffee + milk over ice and French Vanilla Creamer. And it doesn't cost  $3

My eating mantra , I'm eating bacon , butter and using cream when I get coffee to go. To quote  Laura Nyro ' And when I die , And when I'm gone ......  ' it won't matter. 
She didn't write the last bit that was me.

To -day , was weigh in day ,I'm back to almost pre - Xmas weight
Ah ,but pre - Xmas fitness ? Dunno
My sore wrist is causing some major re - shuffling of routine
But funny , the sore wrist doesn't affect how I use the elliptical machine , so I soldier on.

In the Weather dept , OMG , everything fell on us.
Saturday AM , looming doom was in the air
White flakes started to float down by 11 AM
By 1 PM , slashing , gusting winds brought white out conditions
I went out at 2:30 and got to slide around corners. I actually used      " X factor Grip " or whatever the traction button thingy does
I also tried the manual shift , to stay in 2nd gear longer and for turns. Boy , did I muck that up.
6 PM and it was ' Why go  out ? ' conditions
Now , Sun. 8 AM , the rain is tattooing the roof and its glistening and shiny out there , great for a skating rink

Did you ponder , King Wen's judgment ? Duke of Chou's ?

World News , this summer an unprecedented number , hundreds of thousands , of people have fled the Middle East for Europe , and especially , Turkey and Italy , b/c if you float a boat in the Med, even I could navigate enough to hit one of those 2 coasts.
I'm not sure which country ( is it that bad ) or countries remain civilized and not under threat.
War and fighting has always caused Exoduses such as in these past five years , but I don't think peoples have ever had the physical resources , big ships and ports to embark , as to - day.
Heck , nay idiot can navigate w/ GPS.
BTW , the I Ching didn't predict that one

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