Friday 28 March 2014

I'm Melting

I'm melting.... Wicked Witch of the East and me

41 F this AM. but rainy and melting everywhere

The warmth came............. as promised

However , Cherry Blossoms have not been seen in D.C. , yet. Prime time starts Apr 8 , so they still have a chance
Here in S. On , aka the GWN - not ( b/c 400 000 people in On would beg to differ about the GWN ) we are approx 6 weeks from any kind of blossoms.

Successes. Under this tag , we now have Quesadillas.
On TV , ' Eat St ' , the show on truck foods , they made quesadillas on the fly.
I used a very thick steak sliced thin ( what a stupid description that was ). Normally , the flat top griddle ( is there any other kind , 'bunny trails , bunny trails !!! ) gets used for pancakes.
The griddle doubled as a tortilla cooker. The tortillas were whole wheat. The test group , M , extolled my quesadillas. As well as eating quesadillas , that represents one more meal she doesn't need to worry about or cook.
I do pancakes , muffins , applesauce or baked apple , leg of lamb and all the grilling - burgers etc. I'm a specialist of sorts - all sorts.
Lately , the apple sauce and baked apple have been done ala microwave.
My preference is pan fried apple slices in butter and then raisins and honey. 
Growing lazy , I've switched to microwave style apple cooking.
Faster and can't tell the difference. Splenda brown is taking over from the honey. The Splenda brings a darker colour to the mix.
I eat the cooked apples w/ French Vanilla yogurt and  granola ( usually , lower fat and almonds and raisins )
My favourite is apple crisp or rhubarb apple crisp but any recipe for the crisp part makes me shiver -the whole thing is hung to-gether w/ butter. Thus , my apples , yogurt and granola is the substitute for apple crisp. 
BUT at QMH , the chicken store sells apple crisp. So ,into the oven and 60 min later , apple crisp w/ yogurt.
Guilty pleasure , once a week.
But in the last 2 weeks - 1/2 the crisp has gone into the freezer , so that I'm not eating the whole enchilada ( no, I don't make these , just an expression , ' bunny trails ' .


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