Friday 7 March 2014

Looking Ahead.....

.... said Gandalf. In reply to the question where did you get to. And how did you know we we're in trouble ' by looking back ' replied the Wizard. All from the Hobbit , JRRT.

I'm not 64 yet (  2 months ) , but this is my 64 year .

What does this mean ? Haven't a clue. Yesterday , on CBC , ' Quirks and Quarks ' , a segment was on evolution and sex.
The story centered around salamanders of a species that has no males. The female can lay viable eggs that are clones of her. However , she does need the fluids found in male ejaculate. The female goes seeking a mate from another species. Apparently , males don't mind the sex ( go figure , ladies ) and then the male goes on his way. Our female can now lay eggs.
The point was that there is no advantage to the male , genetically. So ,in evolutionary terms , if the male gets no benefit , how did this system develop. The premise is the we reproduce to pass on our genetic information. Females select males who represent characteristics that are desirable for the species. The author said he can see this desire when he looks at his son. Love of the being but also a need for continuation.
Oops , I blew this one. No kids. Double income ( D.I.N.K. s ). I'm not passing on any traits.
An aunt has a childless sister , who says in reply to the ' don't you miss not having your own children ' ...  'Yes, one day a year  '

Weather : bright and sunny w/ the promise of 36 F. Unstable weather to follow , flurries etc.

Going on w/ the ' my life ' thingy. This thought process was prompted by a rash of deaths , among our friend's parents , four since January. we are not close , hopefully , still , the thinking is if you plan ahead financially , why not plan ahead in other ways ,or is it the same thought process only w/ a broader scope. ???? 
Don't know.

I like the blogging. Kinda like thinking out loud. And this is one of the times where , having a following of 2 ( or so ) is a good thing. fewer people to turn off the blog. 

And if your wondering , no this rambling , pretty much represents the way my mind functions ( un-functions ) and also the manner in which I seem to perform physical activities. Many things on the go - coffee cup found anywhere through the house , high or low.

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