Saturday 8 March 2014

The ' To Do ' List

Yesterday , was a success.
I bought a new set of cordless phones. The set we had developed issues. The latest , was the irritating habit of going to conference hold while you were on speaker phone mode. And no way to get back to speaker phone or ordinary talking.
The batteries seemed to have intermittent storage life ,10 - 30 minutes.
So , the Source had a 2 handset model for 50 dollars + 10 for replacement for 3 years. The way the first one died made me think not bad considering a) batteries are 20 something a piece to replace and b ) after 2 yrs there is a $ 8 charge for service advice.

More frozen snow and ice got the heave - ho , moving said white stuff further out from the basement wall. As well, opened up the driveway as our double - width drive had become a single width at the entrance. I used an axe to chop the ice up. Some pieces weighed 20 lb or more and couldn't be lifted by shovel. As well , there may be dents in the asphalt - Oops !

I need a fishing license renewal and got so frustrated on the website , I gave up and went to Services Ontario. Nope ,we don't do fishing licenses and don't have any idea where you could go - ' on line ? '. Right.
M took pity and went on line and toughed it out and Bingo bango , Bob's your uncle , I have an e-license for now and the plastic gets mailed in 3 weeks.
Visited Mom at the nursing home. It was story hour and I didn't ask to see her. trust me , anything they do is way better than me seeing Mom in person. There's nothing left in terms of contact w/ me , its just her life there at the facility.
I learned a long time ago , maybe , the first 10 days , the staff are way better at dealing w/ Mom. It shows and I know it.

Weather : 34 - 38 F , breezy and the wind is cold but real sunny yesterday , to-day , gray and stormy looking.

Oh , BTW , over 300 people have seen this blog ( I think ) , Blogspot keeps track. I'm not sure if I count as a viewer. If I count , the number is really probably 3. Keep talking to the ether , I suppose.

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