Friday 10 October 2014

What Is ....

.. a carpuccino - according to the banner news bit on CITY Pulse , someone tried to use cappuccino to fuel a car. They called it a motor pick me up.

In the Loop , the information homepage for Outlook ( e-mail service ) there was a recipe for microwave potato chips
Using a potato peeler shave off potato slices. Soak the potato slices and dry. Add olive oil to a bowl and swish to potato shavings around , add a dash of salt.
Now, skewer the slices on a stick
Brace the stick on a bowl and microwave the ensemble for 4 - 8 min.
Result : by acclamation ,  not bad. Time consuming but tasty.
Maybe , I should have read more carefully , b/c each attempt makes enough chips for 3 or 4 nibbles.
This MW chip thing might be the ideal diet snack. Want to snack do some work , fatty , it slows down the eating part a lot. See ideal diet food.
Obviously , much less calories and fat than regular potato chips.
A repeat . Yes , especially away from home , e.g. Fla

Weather : bright , beautiful sun. 

Yesterday , a phone call came at 8: 30 AM , I let it ring.
At 9:15 , 2 trucks pulled up.
At 2:00 , they left
The result , there is a new 6 " deep eavestrough in place.
This renovation took away my water display - which was hockey sticks holding pieces of eavestroughing to shoot the water out over the garden.
Over the past ten years , it became apparent that repeated icing of the eavestroughs had created a lot of sag in the eavestrough run.
Thus, the water pooled in the eavestrough and didn't make it to the end and downspout. My solution , shoot the water out over the garden ( mostly ) in two places. Vastly , entertaining during a downpour if that's your idea of entertainment... worked for me.
M apparently , felt the cobbled to-gether water fall  less than aesthetic.
The story of my life.  Less than aesthetic

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder , is a major topic in the news. Across Canada , close to 50 suicides have occurred in people who are first responders. The latest , was a police officer. The media and public are blaming a culture inside the police force that disdains PTSD and mental illness , in particular. I think that the police force probably mirrors the public perception of mental illness.
If you consider the rank and file police and rank and file public , not the people making speeches , you will find that disdain.

And Ebola marches on... and on ... and on

Mah Jhongg is not going well , the record in the house is 3 min 46 s
and no one is coming close to that. Frustration in spades.

We shall see said the Zen Master

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