Tuesday 21 April 2015

Betcha Ya Can't Wait

Sure , you can !

OpOsm was an attempt to lose weight. The project started in JUL 2014 and is on going ( thats what you say , when something is close to failing ) except , so far , as the Zen Master says , good.
I ' borrowed ' my title from a TV show called ' Operation Osmin '

In the show , Osmin , takes an individual , usually desperate to lose weight and get in shape. The regimen is typically urban based - Osmin has them lift tires, blocks and swing industrial doors etc

The people complain and get angry but succeed. I decided me too !
Over approx 5 months , I lost 20 lb. Good. But the real goal was long term health. Specifically , diabetes b/c of family history and perhaps , no , not perhaps , for sure less strain on my knee.

I continued to exercise , riding my elliptical and doing free weights
The aim of the free weight workout is to maintain strength , some flexibility and use my arms (v legs on the elliptical ). I have two routines.
 Welcome Back Routine : is ride the elliptical and jump off and do free weights , 6 different modes and then some resistance band work and then keep jumping back on the elliptical.
Burst : is ride the elliptical at different speeds for 6 minutes , fat burning spurts etc. then use an exer - ball to do flexibility exercises.
Then repeat twice more.
Both routines take approx 40 minutes

For diet , and I mean what I eat not what I leave out.
Fruit and applesauce
Fruit and orange jello
Beer , b/c it was no use leaving out things that I want
Almonds and raisins
I eat carbohydrates but limit the amount and type
For instance at dinner rolls , yes but leave out the potato or pasta
or no rolls , and have the pasta

As mentioned , OpOsm is an ongoing project. So far , it has survived Xmas and New Years ( especially hard times for OpOsm )
a vacation and BBQ s.

you're bored , I can tell

weather : grey to sun bursts 48 F on the back deck Rain still possible

We don't garden here in the sGWN until 3 rd week end in May
except for very hardy flowers.

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