Saturday 17 October 2015

Anecdotally ,

for the south of the s GWN crowd ( yes , all 2 of you ).
The Canadian election process , all 78 days of it , is about to end. 78 days , you say , yes , from the  'dropping of the writ '  ( old English terminology ) , our normal cycle is 60 days give or take.
Due to the addition of summer holidays for the members of Parliament , this summer onslaught was relentless.
Our Prime Minister , and he is a prime - something , is Republican.
The Conservatives have been in place for 10 years. Ten long years , for some.
Tuesday , it all ends. And then , the business of ruining Canada , starts anew.

Weather : bright , sunny and cold 36 F on the back deck at 8:30 A
This week is to be colder than average and a tad wetter.
TG , the boat is lubed and in bed.
Speaking of that , the guy in the pub was celebrating the fact that he beat the Friday rain and got his pool closed. He said every year its a debate as to how many more days that he can eke out w/ the pool.
As Yogi woulda said ' deja vu , all over again '

I'm still formulating a battle plan for the next two months. little or no fishing and basically , at home.
You know that I have chores waiting.

One is the second story eavestroughs. Recall , last year , I re - jigged a store bought tube system for blowing out eavestroughs from the ground. The original package was for 8 - 10 ft high eavestroughs. I found a 3 in vacuum hose for shop dust and shavings that was attached to a Shop - Vac ( trade name , mine is a ____ ).
I bought the vacuum hose  b/c it looked good and seldom used it. Now , taped up and connected to the leaf blower ( gas ) , it allows the original ten ft stack to reach the second story. No ladders and my roof is steel, slippery , maybe , daunting for sure.
There you go , chore #1.
Yesterday , in keeping w/ the theme , I went around and cleaned all the outdoor lamp glass. Bugs and dust and grime got the heave ho .
As well , I brushed off cobwebs and then , cleaned a basement window that missed the regular cycle of window washing ( regular , there 's an euphemism - for whenever the gods allow ).

I'll need feedback but sometimes I think that re - jigging is what I do all the time. I'm forever , re - purposing or re - adjusting things that I've bought.
fishing rods .... yep , always , small hands and short finger spread means that I need to adjust grip positions for the reels
Fishing lures , a passion ... for alterations , here.

At this minute , typing on the main laptop , my desk cubby hole is a frame for a desktop computer , in fact , the one that this laptop replaced. I stripped the guts from the PCU , took the parts to a computer store , the one that re - built the baby laptop and voila .. a desk caddy. 
My life , in the re -jigging business

And it does seem a business sometimes.
A hall table is a re - purposed extension leaf from a wood table mounted on a floor speaker ( guts removed for storage space )

My poker table is the tripod base from a glass table ( left the other parts on the curb , yes , someone else's curb ) , the flat top is a poker table made for me 30 yrs ago , stripped down and on top of that is a poker layout top that was a Xmas present 5 yrs ago.
Even that poker layout surface is re - done. Originally ,the poker layout surface was in two half moons that folded , so that the layout was portable as a 1  /4 section profile.
The velcro connectors fell apart. The layout was prone to tipping and sliding. Since , the velcro was shot , I braced the half moons to be solid and filled the space w/ foam insulation pieces. the layout is sturdy to lean on and stays to - gether w/ no velcro. A tad heavier and obviously larger , it is better than ever.

My life of re - jigging.

Even this blog is re - purposed , in the first life it was ' 2 sentence blogging ' ... now its a hot air factory

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