I've noted that , many things just go ' whoosh ' right over my head
Unfortunately ,many times it s b/c I let it or really don't care.
My take is that you better let a lot of stuff go ' whoosh '. and many companies and services are counting on that
My iPhone using a data stream from Speakout will allow me to use gmail but not Safari , no biggie but Speakout offers the surfing the net in the data package.
I'm off to the Apple store. At time of purchase , I opted for additional service ( ????????? ) , hopefully any help that I get at Apple is free.
Free ! Yeah , like that happens
Weather : Crisp and sunny Translation , here , in the s GWN - long johns time. In fact there is a site , that actually tells you if you need long johns.
Thus , its time , for you to hear my annual , cold weather tip.
In my estimation ( or IMHO ) , the key to dressing for winter is ... more scarf and less coat. the theory goes , keep the wind off your neck and going down your back.
To be fair , I'm a car person. I don't walk miles in the weather. and , yes , I've been surprised by the cold if taking transit. On the other hand , I get very warm walking , and find the resulting dampness , at the least disconcerting. Alright , back to the regular broadcast.
Other useless info , did you know that I type on the keyboard w/both hands. Left over skill from Gr 9 and 10. I was a slow typer and my marks showed this. I once reached 15 words per minute. The test times you and deducts for mistakes. Here , the mistakes are a given.
Go out and face the world over your scarf
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