Friday 1 January 2021

Start the Year On a Fresh Note... πŸŽ‰

 Lehman s meant - buy their soap and cleaning essentials

However, many cultures would agree - New year, new clean house

Not ours. The dust bunnies can live in peace for a while

Segue : I watched a NOVA program on planet formation....... yepper dust bunnies.

The Analogy was that dust bunnies gather by electrostatic attraction < a weak force > but if they were allowed to grow < like our house >. Soon gravity would become a factor and larger conglomerations could occur. The ' gravity dust bunny ' was super scary. I vacuumed under the bed next morning

Wild weather tonight and into the day. The temperature will hover around freezing thus a mad mash up of rain,  sllet, ice pellets and slush. If it comes as snow approximately 2 inches will fall - the other stuff ???????

Its a raw kind of cold w/ not much wind. Threatening. Like the donald.

The family clebrated New Years Day rather than the Eve. Thus, this morning, I ventured out to the Chinese hot table and borught home goodies. Noodles < 2 kinds > sweet an sour chicken, BBQ pork, beef and green peppers w/ broccoli plus shrimp and steamed dumplings. I slipped next door to the sushi counter and chose 3 - inari or bag rice, red dragon roll and cucumber california roll.

A feast

Prior to leaving, yes, the Xmas light beacon came down. I mean the ball was dropping anyway. The neighbours left their imitation of a Winter zoo- a - rama hooked up so the neighbourhood will get by.

Tonight, I put out the recycling bin and waded through 1 inch of wet, heavy snow

and the night is getting cold

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