Wednesday 6 January 2021

the View - our front door

 again, we are dragged kicking and screaming into the ' now '. We possess a bulb that is controlled by our digital keypad, or phones and laptop obviously from anywhere in the house if we choose.

I mentioned the front door camera. Oh, and we can alarm the house. Wired for the safety of all OR wireless for the safety of all.

And we have blinking lights everywhere < from something hooked to WiFi >. 

Of course, I'm thinking about the cost of batteries. A total of 17 thingmajiggies around the house sensing the doors, windows, carbon monoxide and water level. 
A gray day, once more / slight breeze

A report on the exercise regimen. Well, still going, and going and going. From June and my minor leg tingling etc, I opted for an every other day exercise program. Since then gradually, the length of the workout has increased to approx 89 minutes. The biggest change turns out to be the addition of 30 minutes of time on the rowing machine.

The rowing machine is a Concept II egometric device. The Concept II was purchased in 1984. To be fair, parts have been removed, such as the RPM dial and spin counter. The guts or moving parts wheel, chain etc are there and work. I use a work out monitor called a Wahoo, Tickr heart rate monitor. A chest strap sensor and WiFi feed record and display vital data. 

Actually, the Tickr could do more if I had a sensor on the rowing machine or on the elliptical machine. < that do exist >. And the second part of the workout is an off - on the elliptical - calisthenic program as the foundation.  Last night was fairly typical of the last 3 - 5 months. Time of workout approx 81 minutes, average heart rate 124 BPM w/ HR max around 154. Calories burned was 1016 which was within the 7 workout rolling average.

My exercise goal was a steady program w/ very little pounding but a wide range of activity. To wit, free weights < shoulder presses, front presses, curls and bent and standing lifts >, push ups and then mobility and flexibility in the form of lacrosse stick handling, wrist grips. Further crouch extension, exercise ball routines and free weight arm swings < 3 varieties > and 3 repeats of leg raises. Done

My wish is a sweaty workout for at least 45 minutes - I believe in a free sweat session to clean out pores and a prolong rise in basal metabolic rate that promotes a fat burning change in cells.

So far so good. On retirement in 2003, I picked a five year window where the routine I chose could be done for that time frame.

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