Tuesday 8 November 2022

๐” bringing you the letter ' M '

 ๐” this version is called Mathematical Fraktur

The day opens w/ clear skies   [ maybe, the window view isn't exatly wide open ]. However, a relatively peaceful day in store.
Our adventure, was medical. M.. s back has been suspect and added to that her balance is poor and a shakiness in the hands.

Our appointment was w/ ' physiologist '. Well, it turns out that the guy was a ' traffic cop ' of doctors.
Lets do these tests b/c things like this overlooked.   But primarily,  we '' do X rays and cortisone injections but you need to see some other specialists.

Wow ! talk about confidence building

This weather turned out pretty good. Cool, but sunny w/ a bit of chill in the air

 "" and the cold weather is on its way. They're calling it a Colorado low bringing much colder air to Southern and Northern Ontario.

 But as well the tropical storm building in the south Atlantic is also going to draw this cold air and rain w/ snow further north. That's our weather for the next 5 days. ""

BTW . The two paragraphs immediately above were actually typed by pixel. It's voice dictation ssyste made my speech into the text that you see.

 so I typed with my voice.

 neato eh !

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