Wednesday 4 July 2012

Drive a Lexus

Here in On, it is against the law to drive and use a cell phone ( exc. hands free ). I watched a guy in a Lexus do a one hand left turn and he used the two lanes to complete the turn. Apparently, a Lexus has a wide turn ratio.
That beat the dickens out of the young girl who barely made the left lane she was turning into and had to brake to miss the curb on the right.

This day is humid and very warm. Sultry is not to-day. This is mean and vicious. Unfair etc.

Well, I have a confession.  We were closet trailer owners. Yes, we had / have  a trailer. We bought the 44 footer about 4 years ago. We've been trying to sell for three. Hopefully the white elephant will be off our hands come fri. PLEASE. The outfit that runs the trailer park, is a multi armed leviathan. Talk about the right hand doesn't know about the left. I'm not sure the right knows waht the right is doing.
It was a flyer buying the thing, an experiment.A lousy experiment.
You are expected to make a similar confession. Its good for the soul.
OK. --- Confess.

1 comment:

  1. I could confess many things, but nothing as big as a trailer. Nope.
