Tuesday 24 July 2012


The cheque came from trailer's r us. There was subdued elation in the house. bear in mind that the cheque still has to clear. Negative, aren't I ?

So, on any scale yesterday, was a mild success. Presents bought for someone who always poses difficulties. He wants unusual.  To wit - you could buy some people a shirt that says ' Penn State ' or 'Notre Dame ' well maybe not ' Penn State ', I mean they took down the statue. Instead, this friend would choose ' Louisiana Lafayette - Ragin' Cajuns ' - and wear the shirt proudly. 

GT also coughed up a rechargeable shaver. Its an Emerson maybe like in the tv manufacturing company. The shaver was $10. Yeah, I know who buys a $ 10 shaver. I bought a $ 70 Philishave and inherited a $ 130 Philishave.
Both work well, but the foil and blade replacements cost $ 50. So, I thought I'd replace the whole shaver, for $ 10. Talk about disposable technology.
The Emerson then - it shaves, it buzzes and is no where near as good as shaving w/ a Mach 3 blade razor. When I cleaned the blades the inside looks like a food processor system. So ,I guess that I used a mix-master on my face.
Apparently, it takes a while for your face to get used to a shaver. I only use the electrics once or so a week, to give my face a rest from blade shaving.

Well, the problem w/ blogging is that it gets personal or you tell stuff  that is personal.
' A life unexamined...... ' and all that, I guess

Yesterday ,did set records for H/H. We're supposed to cool and dry down for 2 - 3 days.

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