Tuesday 31 July 2012

Lazy, Hazy days

One of the disadvantages of being on the River is that stuff floats by --- and stays. Typically, its logs or branches. I've inherited a post. Its metal and heavy or stuck to something. Obviously, we're talking part of a dock or fence. Guessing here b/c its in ten feet of water.

Last year, I thought to bring it in. Wrong. It was heavy and barely moved but it got in too close. Yesterday, I tried to move it out deeper, hoping it would be on its way. Wrong ( if you're keeping score, I'm not doing well ). Its out there another ten feet but I think I'll need help or dynamite.

Fishing is slow which means I'm not as good as I thought or think I am. I keep track and the sure bets from May - Jun aren't working. Well, who else gets to wake up, walk down to the boathouse and put in an hour ( or 3 ) on the water.
To wit,  last night, lousy , but a muskrat thingy ( b/c I'm not sure I'd know a muskrat, except for the song about ' M____  Ramble '. Mr M came out on a fallen tree and ran off into the bush ( do muskrats bush ). The loons were out ( not the fishermen, real loons ). There were 4 or 5 , some smaller, so a family.
Except that this is the first time I've seen them out to-gether. The most I've seen is Mommy loon w/ a chick. There is a solitary loon, male ? , but he never gets near the others.
So, fish, no fish, no matter, I'm there.

This AM putting in the boat, I realized how easily accidents can happen. The steel cable on the winch jumped the spool and jammed. I wasn't sure what to do. I thought of bringing in a second winch but instead, I pried the cable over the spool edge and the cable flipped over. I kept my fingers away from the pry and wore leather gloves ( always, when using the winch ). still, on the way out to fish , I got to thinking,  what if ?

A doozy of a thunderstorm rolled thru about 2 PM and the road disappeared twice but everyone slowed down and kept their distance, so we just motored on.

Priller the driller ( my dentist ) had at me again. two minor cavities. If you keep score, cavities 2 - L nothing. He is an excellent dentist. He makes sure your numb and keeps checking.Bingo, bango out of there.

Maeve Binchy died. Irish author of M's favourite genra, something, I don't know.

CA who does the cryptic has me scuppered this week. well, I've got 3 days to figure her out.

Update 2012 8-1
To-day, I've got sore muscles and this is bad b/c I don't have a lot of muscles to start with. All right, OK, the post won. Never had  chance it was glued to the bottom.

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