Friday 2 August 2019

Feedback Post

not yours, mine

Controversy has erupted. I said that I had lost the biggest fish
Crikey ! I'm being challenged about ' losing ' a fish

The other guy in the boat is claiming some doubt about who lost the biggest fish. And the killer is that we both saw my largemeouth jump and throw the hook. 
His were all imaginary - ' in his head '
Can't win for trying.

Also, on the Telco front, I sent a query into the Telco comments line.
And received a call back asking me to contact the tech dept.
I did. After some time during which the tech guy checked the line status, they decision was made to send a ' higher level ' person - a tech level 2.

The email I sent logged problems over a 20 day period w/ 8 items mentioned.

The techie 2, decided to switch out the TV box which receives the WiFi signal from the modem for the TV.
As it turns out, he switched boxes twice. The replacement malfunctioned right in front of him.
Thus, a ' new - new ' TV box is in place.
To boot, he figured the modem and TV box are so close - why not hard wire the sucker.
BTW, I really haven't mentioned the Telco by name. I found out that that this blog is out on the internet.
' Duh ' ? of course
That would mean if you typed in the actual name of the Telco - one of the hits would be this blog.
I decided better not to announce this blog that way.

How do I know, I tried it once. I searched for line of a poem that I mentioned in the blog and
Yepper, the blog post was one of ' 800,000 ' hits in 2 milliseconds or somesuch.

Weather. Last night, was actually jacket temperature when I poked my head out. So, the temperature dropped down big time. Last week, we had several nights w/ 80 F overnight.

This is a long weekend or as they say ' bank holiday ' in England. The weekend is called ' Civic ' holiday

As well, I developed ' plantar fasciaitis ' which translates as very sore heel. In the morning especially, the pain is like stepping on a stone under your heel.

Plus, this morning, I noticed a tiny blister on my wrist. This pattern is usually the beginning of my plant allergy. Left untreated the blisters will spread up my arm- to just below the elbow. Next, it moves to my chest and / or crosses over to my other arm - wrist to elbow.
Terrific !

On the social front, a girl that lived on our street in the fifties up to 1964, called me. She has called me twice before. The only time that we met after her move away was in 1970 ( approx ).
So, fifty years later, we hook for coffee. Betcha can't wait for the feedback for that one.
My cousin asked ' does this happen to you often ? '
And I said people from my past are contacting me.
?????????? I dunno

The report : she knew me better than I knew her. A lot of history as we lived very close
And then she says ' when my father died, I stayed at your house for a week or so.
I didn't remember
Holey kamoley, Batman !

This AM went to the physio lady. She confirmed everything that I researched on the ' net.
Except, I didn't know that the pain could be anywhere on your sole b/c the plantar fasciaitis runs from toes to heel.
My pain is right on the heel

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