Friday 9 August 2019

loosing the Cord

as in, no wire to drag around while listening w/ headphones

I didn't think that it would make much of a difference.
The former situation w/ fixed computer < long ago > or a laptop that was hard wired, meant having a wire lead to the computer or PC was no biggie.

But the Chromebook is fast loading and light. The WiFi speed is 400 Mb/s throughout the house c.f. DSL ( 7 or 15 Mb/s didn't matter much ) at 8 Mb/s b/c we are now cable and 1 Gb max for the house. Of course, that 1 Gb speed is dependant on how many neighbours are on the cable system and how many machines are running in this house.
W/ all that above, I carry the Chromebook throughout the house      < I'm in the basement as I type >

Thus, wireless headphones are neat.

The weather broke last night, H / H or its cousin got replaced by sun and drier air.

I'll venture out to garden a bit. Actually, its a weed destroying mission. The extra green is everywhere.
The bartender at the Korner Pub showed a picture of her backyard. The interlock was clean as she pointed out - no weeds in the paver cracks. I asked what she used. She answered a knife on my hands and knees!
Talk about grunt work
Oh well. I can dream
I've tried vinegar and salt solution.
a weed torch
several different weed crack tools
and sometimes all of these spread out over a few weeks - the multi-disciplinary approach.

We shall see said the Zen Master

On the fishing front. I've got several new < newer > strategies or techniques. That being said, most of the ways are so old that I've used them before.... long ago.
" Everything old is new again " as in the song

I'm going to rummage through the tackle shelves in the workroom
- notice not the store
Yes, I have shelves w/ fishing tackle.This warehouse is in addition to the equipment in the boat. A truly awesome display of plentitude. To be fair, I am the custodian of the family's stuff - both brother and father. Not that I wouldn't be without a ton of stuff anyway. Still, I can point out the inherited stuff.

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