Wednesday 5 December 2012

FaceBook and me

OK Let's go back to the FB topic.
I joined.  M joined.
Both of us can't figure out what to do with it. M quit.

My account stays open. A backlog of requests for ' friends ' ( its up to 45 ).
2 people are in my FB acct.
FB does let me make comments on some YouTube and other websites

If you are an avid FB type could you send a primer on what you do.
For 1 friend, I went to his ' string ' of comments and couldn't figure why I would care.
Alright, I'm old and inflexible.

I've made mistakes in my life. On CityPulse news ( this is the channel where the screen is 1/2 person talking and all around the face is business news, weather , stock market and breaking news )
The item that caught my eye was   ' 18 th century Fr chateau knocked down by accident. Owner away at the time. '

Crikey can you imagine coming home or NOT home and its gone. Now think BIG stone building - gone. 
Oops , probably doesn't quite cover it. This is where the Latin - Mea Culpa , Mea Maxima Culpa , seems very appropos.

On the travel front. Normally, as in the past 6  yrs. May has found us in Balto, Md. I go for lacrosse and M doesn't trust me alone - driving and living away. She does like the food, hotel and shopping.
Mostly, she's a good sport and keeps me company.

I've been in Feb. - bloody cold. The announcer claims  ' this is the coldest starting temperature for any game, as if it were going to warm up from 5 o'clock on in Feb.
This year, Hopkins plays two games,  3 days apart in early March.
Huh, do we go. hotel is cheaper everything is less crowded ( its bloody cold ). Oh yeah, Balto harbour at 38 F.
Snow in the Alleghanies - very possible - on the way down.

This is where the lyrics of Burton Cummings ( of the Guess Who ) comes to mind.
" break it to them gently "

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