Thursday 13 December 2012

Searches Down.....

for Justin Bieber. Big news item - google searches down for JB. JB was once the most ' googled '  item in the world. He lost his title.

Also the target of a jailhouse assassination plot , murder for hire, JB managed to creep back into the spotlight.

Global Warming. sorry... same old band wagon

1. Yes the climate is changing

2. Some areas of the world are experiencing dramatic climatic change. Natural habitats are disappearing

3. We are over-using resources, ruining the planet

So far, the most productive result of  ' I have seen the earth change ' movement - David Suzuki is enshrined as the father of eco-change and Al Gore soared to the top of the eco-pop charts.

My take.  The world's climate is always changing. There have been Ice Ages before. The oceans have been higher , the oceans have been lower.  Get used to it.
 Climatic change has always disturbed natural habitats. Of course, we're over-using resources. The solution, wait til we can't afford to pay. the ultimate leveller - cost.

What should we do.

1. P.O.O.R. - point of origin recycling. Return containers and packaging to where you bought the retail item. charge a deposit on packaging - so recycling pays someone.

So simple ?  Yep, but so basic. Strike at the heart of the problem.
Overpackaging , let the companies do it. Add on the packaging deposit system - PDS - they love acronyms for everything they do
give'em one back. Boy scouts can make a fortune recycling.  The Salvation Army will set up a recycling receiving centre - RRC.
Hey, I like this making up letters, for new ideas.

Will we change the world . Nope. But we'll start here.

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