Monday, 19 December 2016

Settling Down

the weather. must be a high pressure zone above us
Cold , yes , but sunny Its 9 F out there Windchill to -6

Lets celebrate


Wait , don't get angry !
I only invented Natn'l Snow Shovelling Day

This is from the website , I copy this

Download nation. Well , its cost us ( no , we used ) 4 Gb of data for movies. Someone told us that his cell bill included 400 Gb of data from 7 phones. Cell phone !!! not TV or computer

We're minor players

The report on the day. Why ?  dunno

A visit to the Giant Tiger was on the books. The list for acquisition included celery , pretzels , walnuts but bananas were on sale $2 a bag ( 7 count ) and somehow a bag of light salt rippled chips made its way into the cart. Well !! How did that happen.

The day was cool to cold as announced. Yet the sun made the day seem , reasonable.

Our new ( its been 7 months ) internet supplier DROPPED the monthly charge by $2. Down , as in less.
The statement explained that recent Gov't decisions concerning what 3 rd party suppliers had to charge affected the way our supplier got charged. They passed it on.
Yipee !
Our water and garbage rates go up by 6 % , next year.

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