Friday 5 March 2021

' Comin' Round Again '

 the lyrics of Carly Simon. And apparently, a problem for me. You see when I started the pink eye drops < antibiotic solution > just in case, the instructions were to use the drops for 7 - 10 days to eliminate the infection.
Oops ! I stopped after 4 days. And I'm getting tearing again - as before.

Thus, its back to drops and special hygiene. I'm using paper towels. 
We shall see said the Zen Master

AND don't touch your face !!!!!! Idiot........

OK Carly Simon. She hosted Jackie Robinson and family < well, her parents did >. JR had no place to stay so the Simons' put him up for a short time. Her father is of the Simon and Schuster Publishing house.

Today is going for 34 F and tomorrow 20 F. Following are 6 days of rising temperatures, headed for 50 F or just south of there.

Did I tell you that I bought the B1G ten pass for lacrosse. $ 55 for a year of lacrosse is the price. Now, the season is only ten games per team. I watched JHU last week but their game v. Maryland is not on this weekend. Thats a marquee rivalvry and probably carried on ESPN colllege. Basically, I can't drive to Baltimore this year and a stay for 3 nights < roughly > would be 800 dollar < driving >

Without warning. Sally Lunn happened. Yepper, round 3.
Much more streamlined procedure basically b/c it couldn't be worse than round 1. Prep was layout all ingredients. The whistle sounded.

All mixing done. Temperatures were checked. The yeast needs approx 80 to 100 to rise. And butter needs to melt. The rising chamber normally called a microwave was set to go. Heating bundle and large bowl of hot water. The rising chamber needs to be moist and 85 - ish.
Its winter, so I turn on the oven to warm the kitchen. The kitchen is approx 68 F But when the oven is on, approaches 72 F. This ambient warmth makes keeping the microwave interior temperature at 85 much easier.

A slight change is in the offing. I used a heart shaped muffin tin and an aluminum loaf pan to get separate loafs. The baking time needs some alteration b/c the volume is not the same as a bundt pan. As well, the two containers will not bake the same. The heart muffin pan will be shorter and the loaf pan will also be quicker than the bundt pan.

We shall see said the Zen Master

Gorgeous S Ont kind of late winter day. Long johns and you're good.

Sally 3. Turned out best of all for flavour. One kink was the heart shaped pan had cake over the sides. To loosen the cake, I sliced thru the outer crust. No biggie - only didn't look too nice < sort of ragged >. The loaf pan try came out more easily.
Taste is great. You know, I read reviews of Sally Lunn bun and the comments were interesting. The most common complaint was how plain the bun was. Next, was how little you got. Some people said the supermarket has better versions at a third of the price.
I think price is the key.
The Sally Lunn plate is $10 served w/ blackberry preserves or lemon custard.
No raisins or icing sugar - plain and tea is extra
When the hostess described the Sally Lunn bun when I was in Bath, I thought ' hmm ! a cakey croissant, sounds plain '
I got it right.

BTW. A sunny, cool - ish day

Don't be Left in the Dark πŸ‘€ is Lehman s banner

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