Monday 1 March 2021

Out of the Deep Freeze

 the prognosticators maintain a week ahead of very cold nights but days at or above freezing. Also, precipitation will be light to non - existent.

The news. Another vaccine, another day. A patchwork of CV 19 restrictions exists across adjacent counties in Ontario. And the provincial gov't is determined to make sure it stays quiltwork. A mishmash of ' lockdown ' us, surrounded by gray surrounded by red. Gray means a little more movement, red opens businesses           < some >. To get to gyms and theatres well - no one is close, except one health unit further east highlghted by Kingston, the city.

If you're a business owner in Ontario ' what were you thinking ! ' - there were programs to help w/ rent, salaries, utilities but Surprise it was a patchwork of limitations and promises. Ah, the word of the day, ' patchwork '. The proverbial ' coat of many colours '

Oh, the banks are doing fine, thank you - stocks and profits at new highs. 

The businesses that did the best were already ' take-out ' oriented other than food stores which were deemed essential from the beginning.

Pink eye. Very mild this AM even if I misread the clock and got coffee at 5:30 - I mean, I thought it was a respectful 6:30. I did a regimine of tea bag compress, cleaning and antibiotic drops.

An afternoon follow up. The wind she is stiff. Damp out so that the cold is penetrating. The sun is prominent right now.
Pink eye was good til antibiotic drops went in. The drops sting for about an hour then all is better than pre - drops.

Anecdote. Stepped out of the Tiger w/ $85 of sundries. A lady was loading her van at the back and a racoon was sniffing her tire. I called out ' nice raccoon , is it yours  ? '
She calls back ' my little pet '.
 I shrugged
and ran as the little critter comes rambling over to me. Jumped in the cab and locked the door < I know. Lock the door. like the raccoon was going to grab the door handle >.
The little guy was touring the parking lot. He sniffed every tire and checked out all the piles litter < for food ? >. 
I hunted twice before I drove in case that he was under the truck. Nope. Still surveying the parking lot.

Today is seniors day at Giant Tiger. 10 % off.  Tell you, cost me more than 10 % as I bought w/ the discount in mind. Just the essentials.
 2 more hooded sweatshirts. I'm wearing them to bed so that I have a hood to put up against light and drafts.
The biggie was a $30 < 27 > for an anti-fatigue mat about 5 ft by 7 ft for the front hall. The mat will protect the tile from salt and water and mud. We've been tracking in all that stuff from the walkway for years and trying different systems to catch the crap.

And our legs won't tire as we walk on the mat

We shall see said the Zen Master

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