Sunday 7 October 2012

TD reprise

On Sympatico homepage, not mine - I use GOOGLE b/c it loads way faster - there was a Thanksgiving day quiz on Canadian TD.
We blew the first question.
Q :  TD in Canada, is held on the 2nd Monday in October

Ans : a) This date has no significance and TD was once held in May

b) it has lunar significance

c) it celebrates the beginning of harvest

d) It represents the traditional harvest celebration and is closest to the original date

Guess what, TD in Canada, until 1957 had been celebrated in 4 different months.

Speaking of balogna, no , we weren't but I had a BTCD sandwich. Translated into human speech, it was a ' balogna, tomato, Caesar salad dressing on  toasted brown - open face.

Growing up, balogna was sliced off the roll, cut into cubes, fried and sprinkled w/ monosodium glutamate ( MSG, to you and ajinomoto to us growing up ). Looking back, its a miracle we didn't die of the toxic effects of MSG. I mean, our diet was splattered w/ Chinese food and mom used aji as a normal flavouring.

Maybe ,there were / are effects, at least M thinks it explains a lot. 

The balogna came from Franz's - best balogna I can imagine. Now ,I haven't had balogna in twenty years, maybe, so it was a revelation.

Anyway, BTCD ( balogna was fried ) - FANTASTIC - just like when growing up.

Speaking of growing up, and we were. I never asked a girl if she had AIDS. In the last few days, a ruling on a major challenge to the law requiring partners to reveal their HIV status was announced here in Canada.

The new ruling is ' Yes,you must reveal that you have HIV but.............. if you use a condom and your viral load is low such that you will not transmit virus, you don't have to tell.

Ask about HIV , crikey, "How's your viral load, darling ? " Its so romantic, n'est-ce pas ?

I'm sitting here, Sunday morning, watching " Kuru , Science and Sorcery " Kuru is a neurological disorder, progressive and fatal.
Endemic to a tribe in New Guinea.
Research showed the disease was symptomatic of scrapie in sheep, bovine spongiform encephalitis and, of course, Creuzfeldt Jacob disease.

Why was Kuru endemic to this NG tribe, the Foree ? Cannabalism. Ritual death rites included eating the brain of the dead relative. Stop the cannabalism, and the Australian gov't did - Kuru stopped too.

Now, I abridged the sequence and the time but
- more or less, think of a press report - its true.

What did you watch ?

The prediction says that prion transmission - the disease causer ( prions aren't living ) - can and is possible through blood transfusion, organ transfer and animal feed on to humans.

Now we know, good.  Bad, is the discovery that incubation period, thought to be ten to twenty years - might be generations. And some epidemiologists are expecting a second wave, starting in this decade.

Whoosh ,for sure. I'm way to simple for this type of thinking.

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