Saturday 6 October 2012

Thanksgiving ( Canada style )..

Sunday will be turkey dinner w/ cousins. B/c we're ethnically Japanese, rice shows up on the table. Rice and gravy is a dream side dish. M couldn't believe rice on the table that first time she came for TD dinner.

We inherited the invitation to cousin's TD dinner. After my aunt died, cousin W invited my parents to TD dinner. When my dad died, we got invited to TD dinner - then Xmas dinner on Boxing Day ( Dec 26 )  -- then NY day at our place, this is now tradition -- and Easter dinner.

Our mothers were sisters and very close. The sibling cousins and family show up plus us.

The landscape people showed up yesterday. I figured they would do a good job. nope, better. They ' maintain ' your property not just mow. Based on this first time, we most likely are staying here. My concerns about the exterior work is over.

The Toyata Highlander went in for a recall. A torsion-pulley-rubber sealy thing needed to be checked for slippage. I made up that stuff
but it was a recall. 2 1/2 h in the shop. However, along the way they found a leak in the water pump. Thus, 400 dollaros later I get my Highlander back.

In their defence, the Hilndr is 7 yrs old. The dealership drove me back and forth to the shop and washed the car.

So far, the Hilndr has needed $ 900 in computer modules that monitor oxygen and temperature plus this last recall and water pump.

Oh and they did an oil change - that didn't cost much. I earned $17 in loyalty dollars.

Speaking of cars, M drives a 2000 honda CRV w/ 105 K kilometers or approx 65k miles. No rust, 1 ding where the lacrosse ball bounced off the corner of the back. My point and supported by our mechanic is that we would get 1700 for the CRV and see it on the dealer's lot for 5500. I say keep it til it dies. M says its old.

The irony is she wants the Honda name for reliability and quality. Then when it lasts too long, sell it. We don't see eye to eye on this. We never see eye to eye - she's way shorter -- ha ha.

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