Sunday 9 January 2022

A Brief Respite

 from frozen face and snow and sleet. Still a gray day and dull. The day is best dscribed as looming.

The house has very little signs of Christmas. We left up the small table micro light tree that has light fibres for needles. The last vestiges of our Xmas display.

The typical Sunday < typical in the sense that ' this ' used to be usual > routine was to visit the Giant Tiger. Tiger is a Canadian company. Tiger is a department store in the old vein. I get coleslaw on sale. Sometimes rye bread and sometimes ' well, who knows '. The ' who knows ' is LED lights for around the house - floor mats, shower curtains, batteries and stuff. Right, stuff ! Real descriptive !
Once this summer - I hope b/c if it was last summer then I've really lost track of time. I drove to a bigger and newer GT on the outskirts of the GTA, approx 5 miles out of our area. I had been searching for replacement plasric wear < w/ lids >. 
I had looked in the plastics drawers and saw the mish mash of incomplete sets and lids. The containers were not new and of questionable vintage. One type had started to crack on the edges but the capper was trying to find lids among the wide assortment available.
On Amazon < yes, it was starting about then >, a very practical name brand offered a set of 5 plus lids. The price was $ 20 something. By chance, a GT aid offered the same set for $5 < not on sale >. Hence the drive out to newer GT. I had called ahead and the sales lady set aside 2 sets for me. While there, I retrieved the 2 and said ' wait, $20 for one set - you could buy 4 ! '. Well, there you go. However, I brought home 5 sets.
OK. How did it work out ? As advertised and predicted, handy and easy to find lids. A whole stash of plastic got consigned to the basement, either in my workroom < the fate of many items > or the canteen storage as spares.

Tiger is a small ish place and often, ' stuff ' is on sale. Its intimate c.f the big box places. I see the same staff and they're friendly.

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