Sunday 12 February 2023

🈂 Neocitrin is gone

 🈂 katakana symbol for ' sa '

I'm relying on Buckley s Cough and Cold to pull me through this last bit of ague. These capsules are the ones the Vets give to horses.

Coffee on board
Trying so hard to be normal [ and its a reach ]

The Neocitran Total Cold and Flu packs a whalloping 1 000 mg of acetominophen. I went throught the box that we had. Although, I wish that I could finish out Sunday w/ Neocitran, likely its better that I switch to the Buckley s. Buckley s is 700 mg [ not a huge difference ] but if this dosage works better to cut down.

the Johns Hopkins BlueJays, division 1 in NCAA lacrosse. Back in the late 60 's Sports Illustrated ran yearly updates on College lacrosse. In that time, my only source of news was SI.
The aticles typically, mentioned a small liberal arts college in Baltimore that routinely beat out the best in the East. Big schools like Duke and Syracuse.
Over time, I barely kept track of JHU but occassionally caught tidbits of their success. Then the internet brought the possibility of catching College games [ peripatetically, tho' ]. 
When retirement loomed, advice was to choose an activity that you had always wanted to do but b/c of work could not.
You guessed it - attend Hopkins lacrosse games. AND true to dreaming big - 2005 the year, that I went to 2 JHU games, they won the National Championship for the first time since 1987.
I've seen Hop play in Baltimore [ at Towson, Loyola and home ], Annapolis Md, Emmitsburg Md and Syracuse NY.

Lately, Covid pause included, I've been less and less to games. Still following when I can. This year, I knew that their recruitng class was not highly rated.
Hop s first game was against Jacksonville U. JU has always been competitive if not in the top half of teams. Well, JHU won and I thought , good, great start to the season.
Next, yesterday was Georgetown U. The BlueJays started strong and faded [ actually, three times ] BUT took charge in the final 10 minutes went ahead and hung on ->  2 -0. 
What I failed to notice was JHU was not ranked in the Top 20 this year. Jacksonville was pre - season no 17 and Georgetown was 4 th ranked.
It was a weekend of upsets. AND to be fair, pre - season rankings are based on last year s play and supposed improvements this season. Funny stuff can happen. BUT this weekend was ' nut - so '. The # 2 nd 4 seeds lost and other top ten teams too.
Early days as the saying goes

OK I'm reporting my symptoms are easing somewhat. Feel like crap ' off and on ' but definitely, better than yesterday.

While away, I decided that I was going to have time to make a scrapbook.
No. I wanted a momento of this ' sojourn '. I am always searching for the best word. Some background. We discovered after our arrival that a new pricing strutcure was being implemented.
The rates were going up [ yeah, you expected down ? ] by 80 %. We felt that the previous rate was high but more or less in line w/ the area etc.
Wrong !!!! We're likely not returning. Thus, a momento.
 This was both pictures and tags etc from items that we had bought. Let's say the information that came with the product. Anyways, this is the beginning page or cover.
The base pages are a ' doodle journal ' from the Dollar & 25 cents Store.
A scrapbook ? maybe. Who will see this ? not really anyone
Oh, its like this blog

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