Monday 13 August 2012

On Sleeping in

A slow day going on here. got out late to the squid jigging ground ( Newfie expression ).

Sunday, the Arts and Entertainment segment on CBC had a Willpower theme. What is the origin of willpower biologically and genetically. This topic also included the internet and tech devices.

Apparently, we are hard wired to keep trying.
Your survival might have depended on that next attempt.

Even though, computers and their ilk are frustrating ( internet too ! ) we are mesmerized by the electronics as we keep trying.  The carrot so to speak is a well known phenomena in psychology. to promote organisms to keep trying, a sporadic reward system is always the best lure. You occasionally, get a real wow, that next text, that life changing message or a wonderful find on Google.

Now, I'm thinking while listening, occasional reward, eh. Sounds like my fishing. Keep tossing and retrieving .. and of course, sporadically, a fish. This AM, 2 h and one fish... am I going out again, yes, I'm hard wired genetically.
Others could read this behaviour as stupidity or bull-headedness, a mania.

But I am buoyed by Prof McGonagle and her assertion that my fishing is biologically normal, well she didn't actually use fishing in her explanation , but hey, if the shoe fits.

I'm starting to worry, the marine railway is so smooth, I mean it glides, it goes so easily, the Scrotting principle of life is just waiting.

What is the Scrotting principle ?   As explained to me by a life long friend. Your crossing the street, you get hit by a vehicle,
the Volkswagon beetle takes you out at the knees instead of the dump truck that would have killed you instantly. Things are going well and you're just waiting for for the next shoe to fall.
This kind of thinking is pretty bleak but boy does it apply. To wit, which bolt is the one that won't turn ? The last one, and the others came out so nice. See. Everyone knows this phenomena.

back to willpower. your willpower is weakest if you're tired or your thoughts are scattered. Prof. McGonagle suggested being well rested or napping even. I really like this prof. She also suggested that ten minutes of meditation can re-focus your day.

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