Thursday 23 August 2012

the Bees Knees...

There is an expression " the bees knees " connoting delight or desirability. My knees, not. After several days away, my knees need icing badly. I now have plans to ice at QMH, aussi.
A TV station ( ABC affiliate, I believe ) used to have ' Acu-weather '. I have an ' Acu-Pen '. This AP is an electronic stimulator for acu-points as in acupuncture w/out blood or needles.
The AP can sense appropriate acu-points and then send out a pulsing field to stimulate that acu-point.
The AP starts by beeping and flashing, as the AP nears an acu-point,the rate of beeping intensifies rapidly.then the user activates the stimulator pulse and your healed.
Well not quite. Remember some rank amateur is guesstimating where the proper acu-point is and guessing length of stimulation etc.
A friend uses the AP for migraines and predicting the Superbowl.
I've tried AP for neck and shoulder pain. You'll be asking ' Does it work ? ' Dunno.

Its cheap, painless and Oriental - come on - it has to work. Those Orientals know things.

To-day was Ex day. As in lets go to the Canadian National Exhibition and get fat and sweaty walking around. Nope. Its too H/H for that. We stay home. Yellowstone will have nice weather tho'.

A tangent to the above AP story is batteries.Those disk shaped ones. At the ' Dollarama ' coin batteries were 3 for a dollar. I saw the model # and guessing bought a pack. Surprise - the right ones. The AP has been misplaced for a month. Well new batteries and we found the AP hiding in the tools and take-out menus drawer.
Thats the ' bees knees '. 

I'll keep you up-to-date on accupuncure 101.

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