Friday 10 August 2012


The ' potpourri ' en anglais as compared to the francais, should mean mixed or varied.
I meant to imply to-day would be a mix of topics, like this blog isn't anyway.

We're watching the Olympics, highlighting BMX and Synchronized swimming. BMX, in a sport where I envision 14 yr olds racing around and falling down - they're going to give gold medals to these adults. 8 competitors fling themselves around a 500 m course, with bumps and jumps. There is no make-up or pointed toes for points. See, you can make any event, an olympic event.

VISA reports that spending is up in London both in strictly tourist categories but also regular business such as restaurants etc. So ,I was wrong. It appears that businesses are having generally, a financially rewarding olympic span. However, this breakdown didn't mention specific areas e.g. downtown vs the east end.

Greasing the wheels. There is a marine railway at the QMH. I've been fighting the railway for about a month. There is a downslope to the water but I have been pushing the trolley and boat almost 1/2 way.
Where is the gravity.
Wednesday afternoon, I re-jigged the rails to even out the rails and support them. I removed the wheels on the trolley and applied a lithium based grease. As well,I kept telling everyone that there are no grease nipples and there aren't but I found oiling holes. I mean grease would never go down these openings but oil sure could.
Let down the winch, and the trolley sans boat, slid down the ramp rails like a kite gliding on ice sheet ( I know mixed metaphors, but it was so neat ). I load up the boat and it comes up the ramp easily. One of the problems, I thought was that the wheels didn't turn while the trolley was coming up. Well, the wheels all turned. I figured this had to be good.

Went to launch the boat that night. engaged the winch, turned to push the boat and the trolley and the boat was already 4 ft down the ramp and still going.  Wheels turning, all the way to the water.
This was obviously a DUH moment, as in - you could have done this before. Oh well, lesson learned.
Didn't I do something like this before, I mean its so fundemental.  Yes, except the last 2 years , I greased the rails and the wheels, worked like a charm. This time I figured if the wheels at least slid more it would be easier. And I did grease the rails 4 weeks ago.
However, now that I found oiling holes, maybe that is all thats needed, oil in the holes that lead to the axle.

I know who cares. well, I'm reporting, it doesn't need to be earth shattering ( although, the angels sang on Wed night )

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