Friday 7 September 2012

Baklava or close

Whoa, usually, I need to reach really hard for a title. To-day, I think that I had 3.

OK. Not, baklava. Its balaclava. Why, you ask ?  Baklava is the honey flavoured dessert.
In Montreal, as the Parti Quebecois, celebrated a moral victory in achieving a minority gov't ( most likely ), a guy in a bathrobe and balaclava opened fire and hit 2 people. One died. It was not a pajama party.

In New Jersey, a burglar was arrested. The police believe that one of the homes he robbed included Jon Bon Jovi, the singer.
I saw " Moonlight and Valentino " w/ JBJ and Elizabeth Perkins, Kathleeen Turner, Whoopi Goldberg and Gwynneth Paltrow.  It was probably, JBJ's only movie. Definitely, a chick flick. According to a family friend, chick flick is when ' all men are bastards and you can cry a little ' or something.

Correction: to all my loyal readers. I LIED.
The walleye was 2 " over the slot but the upper slot limit is 20 " so the walleye that I let go was 22 " not 28 ". Sorry. It was still big. Pictures available in 2 days, if I can figure out how to attach a photo to this site.

WE did not go to the " Ex" this year. Of course, we're not starting a new trend b/c we haven't been once since we were married.
All told, I guess its 27 yrs or more since we've been to the ' mother of all exhibitions ' as the Muslims like to aggrandize their comparisons.

I'm watching the ' Making of HELLBOY : the Golden Army ' . It was supposed to be low budget or fairly low. The goal was to create a new world or level of imagination. This Hellboy is #2. I don't remember #1 but I re-watch HB II, 3 - 4  times a year. I think it's cute.

I was right. Sept 8 - 9 is a tournament on Rice L. Hence, the big boy rigs were pre-fishing to find the fish.
Two things.
1. this explains , the trouble that I had catching bass in Sept. last year. The competitors take their live fish to the weigh station at Hastings ( far east end of Rice L ). The bass are released close to where they're caught ( Yeah, for sure ) The bass are probably, all dropped close to Hastings, 12 miles from the 'bee. So, this year, I'll fish walleye and skip the hair pulling when I can't find any bass.
2. Previously, I mentioned the big rigs run WOT all the time. Well. I saw a bass boat coming, throwing up a ' rooster tail ' ( basically its a water fountain behind the boat ). I took the hole shot and planed out in 8 seconds, throttled back and followed the rig down the 'bee. I turned a bend in about 20 seconds and guesstimated that the big rig was a good 1/3 of a mile in front. So, in 20 seconds, that boat gained better than a third of a mile on me. I was doing not quite 30 MPH when I turned the bend. His speed was 55 - 60 MPH. Now you know why those guys get 1 mile to the gallon ( WOT ).
I'm such a wimpoid. Of course, at 60 MPH on the water ( remember no brakes on a boat ) they use a fine seive to find all the body parts after an accident.

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