Wednesday 19 September 2012

Picture day at QMH

Art or not art. I don't understand how what you put in the frame costs less than the frame. We hung these cute little scenes from some little village or something. The frames were on sale and cost more than the little scene.
I read that the difference between the really rich and others, is that when the rich buy things, art e.g. their purchases go up in value. trust me, these little scene thingies are not going anywhere let alone up.

So, we put up these, ah decorations, thats what they are. You know cover the wall or those places on the wall that need covering.
There are just a few open spots, so we need to visit some more little villages.

On the'bee fishing was not good. I tried diligently, faithfully, real hard and slowly and on the bottom. 2 fish this morning. the afternoon, 2 h of dragging bottom not my bottom,  the river bottom. Although the results were as though my bottom was dragging. Then....

Why do we keep trying ? Thats right, its survival instinct b/c you never know it could be the next spear throw or rock that bags the big one and provides dinner.

On the way home, 700 yds left. Slowly moving down our shore, dragging bottom. Another set of guys are out fishing tossing toward shore and Im tossing out - deeper.  Pull up almost along side them and wham, I drive the rod up and the drag starts to scream. Talk about how to show off - the drag was screaming for 3 or 4 minutes. when the line is taut and under load the wind sings through the line. This smbass was about 3 lb.
I drift back a little, cast out and again the drag starts to scream - another smbass. I'm using 8 # test and had to net both fish. Wow, so fun to show off - in a modest way, of course.  Bet I was smiling something fierce, not my fault.

Sporadic reward, genetic progaramming and fishing

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