Saturday 8 September 2012


First a note: two entries back under ' Baklava ' I posted the  fish picture.

Spin. There is a CBC radio program called '_________ Inc ' on the public relations industry.
It might as well be called 'Spin Inc'. The show is almost disgusting when you sit back and think about what you just heard.

Now, in our house , one of us devotedly reads the daily newspaper. The other skims each section back to front and does the 'cryptic' or 'Sudoku '.
My favourite quote is from ' the Shipping News ' when the heroine says of the local paper, the Gammie Bird, ' not even fit for fishwrap '. Our Star fully qualifies for this category.
My take is that at best, what I get to read in the Star is ' spin on spin '. The story is spun to attract readers w/ engineered layout.
The story catches your eye, there is some fluff for human interest , then they tell the story as the reporter thinks they sense the story. The quotes are all going to be quick and spun to show the author in the best light.
See - spin on spin. In the book ' the Long, Dark Tea Time of the Soul ' by Douglas Adams, there is an explosion at Heathrow airport. The death tolls starts at 60, rises to 110 and then falls through the day. In the end, two were injured and one person was misisng.
The truth is that Thor ( the god ) in a fit of pique causes a counter to suddenly lift off to the ceiling. Two terrorists groups claim responsibility and everyone is blaming National Gas. The ground hostess gets turned into a Coke machine and she is the missing one.
My kind of news reportage is way better. Read the headlines and make something up. Is it accurate ? Not even close. But given time - we'll make some subtle corrections - bingo, bango - the truth is revealed.
To wit, a grandmother gave birth to her own grandchild. This is true. Where ? Who knows.
Probably, Indiana or illinois. maybe, Yugoslavia - does it matter ? Somewhere, a young child gets to call a woman ' Mommy or Grandma ' and be correct. egads its almost gross.

We have rain. We will have rain. The prediction is 25 - 30 mm or 1 to 1 1/2 inches. The big boys are fishing Rice L to-day. But they're men - and can take it. I'd be inside organizing tools or something. No sympathy, they're catching my fish.

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